We recommend that every student attends class 2x per week for 4 consecutive months. This schedule, along with our repetitious teaching method, will result in students being able to swim independently in a very quick timeframe. Our 2x per week classes are offered on Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu. We know that families are busy and cannot always attend 2 classes per week, so we offer 1x per week classes on Saturday, and on Sunday. If you want to swim 4 days per week you can register for a Mon/Wed class and a Tue/Thu class. All registration is done through our self-serve parent portal. Families can enroll in as many classes as they want for as long as they want. We do not offer sessions with preset start and stop dates. We only offer ongoing lessons, meaning that your class starts when you enroll and it ends when you set your drop date. A student can take a break for any length of time and re-enroll at any time. Our full schedule is located in the parent portal and is automatically up to date and showing current class openings.
We cancel class due to stormy weather or an ill instructor. If we cancel class we place a make-up token in your students account. You'll need to book your make-up class using a token. This is done online in the parent portal within 3 days of taking the make-up class. The tokens never expire and you can use them at any time.
Parents can change their class time by making a transfer request through the parent portal. Transfers are approved nightly during the week, and the change is immediate. Transfer requests are approved only for a regular ongoing change.
"Drop Date" refers to your Childs last day of class. Parents are required to set their own drop date in their account. This date can be set at any time, even when you first register. If you want your last month to be pro-rated then you must set the date before tuition runs on the 1st of the month.
Each parent is 100% responsible for lifeguarding their own child during the swim lesson. A child is a non-swimmer if they are in our lessons, and require supervision. Our instructor is focused on teaching swimming to one child at a time. We ask caregivers to please stay behind your child during class and keep your eyes on them at all times. It is helpful for you to teach them how to wait their turn during this time.
Each of our 3 levels have specific goals to be reached in class. When a child reaches the class goals their instructor will congratulate them at the end of class with a medal. At that time parents can request a transfer into a higher level class through the parent portal. This happens on a very individualized basis on the day that your child is ready.
Comfort = Bronze medal
Confidene = Silver Medal
Compete = Gold Medal